Created by Donald Glover and Francesca Sloane, “Mr. and Mrs. Smith” is an Amazon Prime spy drama series inspired by a previous 1990s series and a 2005 film of the same name. Glover and Maya Erskine star as spies who are thrown together in a fictitious marriage that provides cover for their dangerous missions. Cinematographer Christian Sprenger ASC set the look for the show, shooting episodes one, two, five, and eight, and also directing episode four. He speaks here about his visual approach, equipment choices, and creative challenges.
What drew you to the project, and was the 2005 film a visual influence?
I was approached by Donald Glover about the series in late 2021, while we were finishing up principal photography of “Atlanta” season four. The idea of doing a bigger genre piece with the same core creative team from “Atlanta” sounded like a really fun next step. In prep, there was very little discussion about the original “Mr. and Mrs. Smith” film. On occasion we would watch a specific scene or shot that Donald or Francesca wanted to pay homage to, but by and large we wanted to avoid borrowing too hard from the film. Stylistically and visually, we wanted this show to exist on its own.